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Art & Design

Art Intent


At Greenside Primary school, we believe that young children are their art: their individuality and creativity flows through everything they do. It is our intention to develop this natural desire for self-expression in Art and Design by providing stimulating and inspiring opportunities across a range of art experiences. Underlying our intention, is an awareness of the role of artistic expression in enhancing self-esteem and well-being. 


Our Art curriculum here at Greenside Primary School provides children with opportunities to develop their skills using a range of media and materials such as: drawing, painting, printing, collage, textiles, 3D work and digital art; and are given the opportunity to explore and evaluate different creative ideas. Children will be introduced to a range of works and develop knowledge of the style of famous artists and designers and begin to understand how art impacts and enhances society and our surroundings. Where possible, we utilise local artists and learn about their work.


Creativity is one of our key drivers at Greenside and our teaching of Art has been carefully considered to provide creative links, which are woven across the wider curriculum. With a progressive tool-kit of skills, knowledge and understanding and exciting projects to trigger their imagination, children will learn to express their ideas with freedom and enthusiasm within a rich cross-curricular approach.


“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

Pablo Picasso 

Artsmark Silver Award

Greenside Primary School were extremely proud to be awarded the Artsmark Silver Award in November 2022, an accreditation by Arts Council England which recognises our commitment to delivering a high-quality arts and cultural education. To achieve our Artsmark Award, Greenside had to develop our arts and cultural provision to embed a broad and ambitious curriculum. This was achieved by creating an overall plan that was committed to and delivered across the whole school.
