English – Oracy Intent
Oracy is an area that permeates within all parts of the curriculum and is the fundamental foundation upon which English teaching and learning is based. At Greenside, we believe that it is only when speaking and listening skills have been developed, that children can effectively work co-operatively and collaboratively in their school life and into the future. Our children are given every opportunity to practise these skills through class discussion, group work and paired conversations. They are conducted in a safe and stimulating environment and school staff model the use of higher-level vocabulary within their speech and expanding children’s vocabulary is a key focus from EYFS.
Children are encouraged and guided to value their own personnel views and that of others, reflect on how their views and opinions could be received and how to communicate effectively. Throughout the curriculum, specific vocabulary is promoted and embedded by adults who consistently model in context. Children are given the opportunity to understand new words, use them effectively when speaking and then transfer to recorded work.
At Greenside, children will be:
- exposed to new words constantly
- gradually learn new words over time through exposure
- encouraged to use standard English when speaking
- reflect on words they encounter in their reading
- given explicit instruction on new words and become ‘word conscious’
- read to daily
- able to articulate themselves effectively so that they can communicate in every aspect of their school life.
By developing a rich vocabulary, our children not only develop with their reading and writing skills, but also become confident in communicating clearly through talking. As such, we provide ample opportunities for oracy. Throughout our curriculum and wider school life, we weave in opportunities for our children to perform and to speak publicly to a variety of audiences through class assemblies, performances, singing and drama workshops. With excellent oracy, our children will succeed in the skills involved in being an effective communicator and be well prepared for their adult life.
As soon as pupils enter school in Reception, they are encouraged to speak in full sentences. Through paired conversations, group and class discussions, and by learning to ask and answer questions, pupils develop their early communication skills. We use 'Active Listening' and 'Skilled Speaking' across school to promote high-quality communication skills. At Greenside, pupils have regular opportunities to speak to an audience, perform stories, plays and poetry, or debate with their peers. Each class will share their learning as part of an assembly as well as taking part in a production linked to festival or event.