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Regular and punctual school attendance is very important and we know from many studies that children who attend well do better in school. Our Attendance Team and Family Support Worker track our pupils' attendance on a daily basis. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any help or support with your child's attendance.


If your child is unwell, please let the school office know on 0113 257 4509 or each day your child is going to be absent. We would also like to remind parents/carers that all GP, dental and optical appointments should be made outside of school hours, except in an emergency.

Exceptional Circumstances

In September 2013, the rules around absence from school were changed by the Department for Education (DfE). There is no longer any entitlement to absence due to holidays. Headteachers and Governors can only consider absence during term time, where the absence is for exceptional reasons. All planned absence must be agreed in advance and families are advised that unauthorised absence may incur a fine of £60 which rises to £120 if not paid promptly. If you wish your child to be considered for absence during term time, you are asked to fill in the Exceptional Circumstance Request Form with as much information as possible.

Fast Track

Fast Track is a process designed to quickly address unauthorised absences and/or irregular school attendance. Any pupil with 10 or more unauthorised absences (5 school days) over a 12-week period will be placed on Fast Track.
