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RSE Policy

In September 2020 the teaching of Relationship Education became statutory guidance in all primary schools. At Greenside we went through a lengthy process to draft, redraft and finally publish our RSE policy. We consulted staff, parents and governors as we reworked our RSE policy to ensure it was a reflection of the RSE teaching at Greenside.

RSE Teaching and Learning

Below you will find a breakdown of the teaching of RSE at Greenside Primary School.  Teachers have tried to include as much information including additional links and content as possible. RSE will be taught in year groups and not mixed classes to ensure that all content is age appropriate. Both male and female pupils will be taught the same content and there will be time planned into the lessons for pupils to ask questions as a class and in smaller groups. If you require any more information, please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Lonergan or your child's class teacher.
