Useful Science Websites
BBC Bitesize KS1 Science A wealth of materials to support home learning with videos, activities and games in all curriculum areas.
BBC Bitesize KS2 Science A wealth of materials to support home learning with videos, activities and games in all curriculum areas.
Maddie Moate The popular children's television presenter has her own YouTube channel and is delivering a daily science lesson "Let's Go Live with Maddie & Greg". Her channel has a wealth of educational videos.
The Royal Institution - Science Lives Here - Experimental A series of short films, activities and resources making it fun, easy & cheap to do science experiments at home with children.
Paignton Zoo - School from the Zoo Insightful video lessons to enjoy at school and at home to complement classroom learning.
Paignton Zoo - Wild at Home A collection of downloadable resources to inspire and support science learning at school and home.
Chester Zoo A range of resources to help with teaching & learning at home and school.
Woodland Trust 10 nature activities for children to do at home.
STEM Learning Primary science, maths, computing and DT resources and activities to support home learning.
Science Museum Lots of learning resources including activities, games and videos.
WOW Science Primary science activities, games & videos.
Primary Science Teaching Trust - Science Fun at Home Fun science activities to try at home.
Science Sparks Science Experiments for Kids.
Sublime Science 101 fun science experiments you can do at home with 'stuff' you've already got.
Marvin and Milo Lots of simple & exciting mini experiments to explore physics.
Kids Invent Stuff This is a YouTube channel engaging children in real engineering projects with a chance to get their invention ideas built by real engineers. A new challenge is set each month.
Space Related Educational Resources for Home Learning A collection of space related educational resources published by the UK Space Agency.