Our Computing Intent
At Greenside Primary School, we aim to give children a thorough and ambitious curriculum, equipping them with the substantive knowledge and disciplinary skills required to flourish in world where technology is a crucial part of their future life. The Computing curriculum at Greenside Primary School has been carefully considered to ensure coverage of all the national curriculum objectives, whilst also focussing on modelling and educating our pupils to use technology positively, confidently, responsibly and safely.
At Greenside we intend to teach Computing through 4 key concepts: Code, Connect, Communicate and Collect. These key concepts steer our curriculum to give children a broad knowledge and understanding of a range of computer programs, devices and uses for technology. We understand the accessibility opportunities that technology can offer our pupils and through our curriculum, we aim for our pupils to become digitally literate in a variety of programs. We hope that by the end of KS2, our pupils will be confident and competent to choose the best technology tool to present and share their learning in a safe, positive and creative manner.
In a society where the use of technology and the internet plays a common part in the personal and social life of all, we recognise that our Computing learning needs to provide our pupils with the tools to overcome the added complexities that this will bring and therefore Online Safety education is recognised as a priority throughout the school. We aim for children to have a clear understanding about correct conduct online; what to do if they feel uncomfortable online and who to talk to and ensure that all pupils are aware of the responsibility and consequences of their actions and decisions online.
Our knowledge rich curriculum also aspires to teach pupils a deep understanding of how computers and computer systems work and can be used in variety of ways. Through their learning in Computing we hope our pupils will become fluent and creative in their mastery of computing, enabling them to become skilful computer scientists in a modern, digital world.