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KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts)

At Greenside, we promote the learning of 'Key Instant Recall Facts' (K.I.R.F Targets) to support pupils' maths learning across the school. These are maths objectives, taken from The National Curriculum, which children working at age-related expectations should be able to mentally calculate and recall accurately and rapidly. Each year group has one or two different objectives every half term, which will be practised regularly in class and may be reinforced through the weekly homework activity.

You may like to practise your child’s K.I.R.F’s at home to support them in improving their recall ability and we have posted a yearly overview below. Additionally, all year groups will communicate their current KIRF target with parents/carers on their half-termly newsletter as reminder of their current focus. We encourage all children to learn these key facts as they can then be used to support further learning and aid problem-solving in maths.

Greenside KIRFs Yearly Overview:



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Say the number names in order to 5


Count sets of objects reliably to 5.



Say the number names in order to 10.


Count sets of objects reliably to 10.

To find the total number in two groups by counting them.


To subtract from a total by counting back.

To work out 1 more than a number from 1 - 10.


To work out 1 less than a number from 1 - 10.


Say the number names in order to 20.


Count sets of objects and order numbers to 20.

To work out 1 more than a number from 11-20.


To work out 1 less than a number from 11 - 20.


Year 1

Quickly recall all the number bonds up to 5. (e.g. 1+2=3, 0+3=3, 2+2=4, 3+1=4 etc)


Recall addition and subtraction facts within 5.


Quickly recall number bonds that equal 10.



Recall addition and subtraction facts within 10.



Quickly recall number bonds that equal 20.



To know doubles and halves of numbers to 10.



To know 1 more and 1 less than any number to 50.


To count in and back in steps of 2.



To count in and back in steps of 10.



To count on and back in steps of 5.


To know 1 more and 1 less than any number to 100.



To add and subtract 10 to/from a multiple of 10.

Year 2

Count on and back from 0 in 2s, 5s, and 10s..


Count on and back in ones and tens from any given 2 digit number.

Know multiplication and division facts for  x 10 table.


To know all number bonds for each number to 20.


To know multiplication and division facts for   x2 table.


To add and subtract 10 and multiples of 10 to/from a number.


Know multiplication and division facts for   x5 table.


To know doubles and halves of numbers to 20.



Round 2 digit numbers to the nearest 10.


To double and halve numbers which are multiples of 10.  

To count in 3s and begin to recall multiplication and division facts for x3 table.


To double and halve numbers which are multiples of 100.

Year 3

Know multiplication and division facts for x3 table.


Add and subtract multiples of 10 and 100 (e.g 90 – 50, 300 + 600)

Know multiplication and division facts for x 4 table.


Count on and back in 50s from different starting points.

Know multiplication and division facts for x 8 table.


Add and subtract 1, 10 or 100 to/from any number up to 1000.


Know multiplication and division facts for x 6 table.


Partition teen numbers to multiply by a single digit (e.g 4 x 16 as 4 x 10 and 4 x 6)


Read and write Roman Numerals to 12 (context of clock face)


Know multiplication and division facts for x 11 table.


Know fractions that add to 1 (e.g ¼ + ¾ = 1) or the fraction left when subtracted from 1 (e.g 1 – 2/5 = 3/5)


Know days in each month including leap years.  

Multiply and divide multiples using known facts for x3, x4, x8 (e.g 3 x 70, 80 x 5)


Divide a whole number by 10 up to 100 (37/10 = 3.7)

Year 4

Know multiplication and division facts for x7 table.


Know number bonds to 100 (including as money and measures)

Know multiplication and division facts for x9 table.


Count on and back in 25s from different starting points.

Know multiplication and division facts for x12 table.


Add and subtract 1, 10, 100 or 1000 to/from any number up to 10,000 (e.g 9675 – 100 = 9575)

Know multiplication and division facts for all times tables.


Find all factors of numbers using multiplication facts up to 12x12.


Multiply and divide multiples using known facts for any times table (e.g 90 x 8)


Read and write Roman Numerals to 100.


Divide a whole number by 10 or 100 up to 100 (78/100 = 0.78).


Know decimal equivalents for tenths, hundredths and for quarter, half and three quarters. 


Year 5


Count up/down in thousands.


Read and write roman numerals to 1000.


Know number bonds to a 1000.

Know square numbers and square roots to 144.


Identify all multiples and factors including factor pairs.


Recall prime numbers up to 19.

Use doubling and halving as a mental division and multiplication strategy.


Know all times tables and division facts to 12 x 12 by instant recall.

Read and write decimals as fractions.


Be able to recall common equivalent fractions.


Know decimal number bonds to 1 and to the next whole number.


Add to the next 10 from a decimal number.


Add and subtract decimal numbers which are near multiples of 1 or 10.

Convert between common units of metric measurements (mm, cm, m, km, g, kg, ml, l).


Convert between units of time (minutes, hours, weeks, months, years).

Year 6

Count forwards and backwards from any given number, in any steps, crossing boundaries and into negative numbers.


Add positive numbers to negative numbers  (e.g calculate a rise in temperature -7 + 9 = ).


Identify common factors, common multiples and prime numbers.


Use place value and number facts in mental multiplication (e.g. 40,000 x 6 = 240,000).

To convert between decimals, fractions and percentages.


Know the 2 decimal place complements of 1 (0.77 and 0.23) and the 1 decimal place complements of 10 (4.5 +5.5).




Quickly recall doubles and halves of one and two digit decimals.


Quickly recall the doubles and halves of all multiples of 10 to 10,000.



To multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000 giving answers up to three decimal places.


Use rounding in mental calculation e.g 19 x 34 = 20 x 34-34.


Use doubling and halving as a mental division and multiplication strategy. e.g to divide by 2,4,8,5,20 and 25 (628 ÷ 8 is halved three times 28 x 25 is ¼ of 28 x 100 = 700).


Calculate mentally using brackets.

