School Logo

School Council

Every year, our children are invited to put themselves forward to be a School Councillor for that academic year. They create a Manifesto and present this to their class. The class then take part in a democratic vote and the nominee with the most votes become the councillor for that school year. 


Our School Council are supported by our Learning Mentor, Mrs Middleton. They meet and discuss issues that have been brought up by their class mates and share ideas on how issues can be tackled and changes made to improve our school. 


School Council 22-23


This year our school council did an amazing job of creating their own constitution that explains the role of a councillor and the job the council are their to do. The copy of our School Council Constitution is attached.  

School Council Constitution 22-23

The school council have been involved in making some decisions about our school environment this year. This is a document which outlines some of the main points they have discussed this year. 


The councillors have done a fantastic job and we hope they are proud of themselves for representing their classes and being great role models to our other students. 

Overview School council 22-23
