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Phonics teaching plays an important part in children's development by equipping them with the fundamental skills needed to be able to read and write. We understand the importance of Phonics teaching here at Greenside and not only aim to ensure that our children receive high quality phonics sessions, but also that our parents are fully aware of which level their child is at and what they need to do to develop. On this page you will find key information about Phonics at Greenside, general phonics informationhelpful weblinks and some resources for you to work on with your child at home. If you have any further questions about how you can help your child with Phonics, please don't hesitate to contact your class teacher or Miss Johnston (Phonics Leader).

At Greenside Primary School, we follow the 'Read Write Inc' Phonics Scheme, as we believe this to be the most effective. Children work in small groups based on their ability, focusing on learning new sounds each week, applying their knowledge by recognising the sound in words, writing words that include the sound and then moving on further to reading books that contain these sounds. Children are assessed half termly and groups are moved around accordingly. Children are sent home with a phonically de-codable reading book each week which again aligns with their phonics level.


Phonics is taught every day in both EYFS and Year 1, for sessions lasting 45 minutes. Short bursts of phonics are also covered throughout the day and guided reading sessions are linked to the children's phonics skills. Those children who do not pass the Phonics Screening in Year 1 still attend phonics sessions in Year 2 to ensure they are up to speed and prepared for the re-sit in Year 2. Those children who don't pass the screening in Year 2 continue to receive support in phonics as appropriate throughout KS2.
