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What's on Offer

Our Child and Family Support Team are here for all our children and families. We can support and advise our parents and carers on a variety of things such as:


Managing behaviour

Attendance and punctuality

SEMH and wellbeing of you and your child/children

Domestic abuse

Money worries

Housing support

Filling out documentation

Signposting to services

Debt management

Food support


Please note this list is not exhaustive!


We may not have all of the answers but we are here to listen and may be able to signpost you to someone, or a service who can!


If you would like to discuss any concerns or if you have any questions, please get in touch. We are happy to help! Contact us on:

0113 2574509 and ask for Miss Brown or Mrs Middleton


Alternatively, click the 'Talk to Us' link below to send us a message. 


