Healthy Schools

In November 2022 Leeds Health and Wellbeing Team conducted a Healthy Schools Assessment. This assessment was split into four key areas:
- Personal Social Health Economic
- Healthy Eating
- Physical Activity
- Social Emotional and Mental Health
The findings of the report were extremely complimentary, some direct quotes from the visit are below:
- "The whole school, holistic approach to Healthy Schools work and the interlinking of the four core areas. From Early Years, the school works hard to ensure all pupils understand how to keep themselves healthy, safe and happy."
- "The head teacher, senior leadership team and staff strive to make sure all pupils are emotionally literate, resilient, aspirational and part of the school community and therefore able to reach their full potential."
- "The work that has been carried out to ensure that the PSHE curriculum is needs led from Early Years upwards. The broad and balanced PSHE curriculum, including the MindMate lessons, is well embedded and aligned to statutory guidance. It has a high profile in school and is very well led and managed."
- "The PSHE lead ensures the planned curriculum is both preventative and responsive to need. The school uses data from the My Health, My School survey to ensure pupil voice and needs are covered within the teaching of PSHE."
- "The whole school approach to support pupils social, emotional, and mental health is excellent. There is a real sense of nurture and belonging felt across school."
- "The school’s 5 learning drivers of resilience, community, creativity, aspirations and diversity underpin the schools SEMH work."
- "Pupil voice and participation is strong, with pupils enjoying a range of roles in school. As well as pupil roles such as Sports Leaders, Reading Buddies and School Councillors, curriculum leaders have time out of class for monitoring and evaluation and collecting pupil voice is part of that process. Pupils are very much included in school life and there is a real sense of strong relationships and connectedness in school."
- "Every opportunity is given to support pupils’ SEMH through physical activity."
- "The enthusiastic School Food Ambassadors work hard to both encourage healthy choices and lunchtime habits. The social aspect of eating together and good table manners is valued."
The full report can be viewed here:

Based on the findings of the visit Greenside were awarded Healthy Schools Beacon Status:
Beacon status celebrates the outcomes achieved and the differences made, giving schools the recognition for their commitment. It highlights where a school/setting has committed to the outcomes of focusing on health and wellbeing of pupils and the impact this has on their educational attainment and achievement.