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Our Science Intent


At Greenside it is our intention for children to become confident scientists, actively participating in learning through a hands-on investigative approach to science. We aim to provide a learning environment that supports pupils with feeling confident to take risks or ask questions and encourage their natural curiosity of the world around them. A high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world, and at Greenside we give the teaching and learning of science the prominence it requires. Our ambitious curriculum enables detailed learning of the substantive knowledge and vocabulary relating to the specific science disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, whilst teaching pupils the disciplinary skills of how to ‘Work Scientifically’.


The aims of science are to enable children to:

  • Ask and answer scientific questions.
  • Plan and carry our scientific investigations using equipment, including computers correctly.
  • Know and understand the life processes of living things.
  • Know and understand the physical processes of materials, electricity, light, sound and natural forces.
  • Know the nature of the solar system, including earth.
  • Evaluate evidence and present their conclusions clearly and accurately, drawing upon skills developed in other curriculum areas including Maths, English and Computing.
  • Understand science in everyday life and the impact of science on our world – begin to appreciate how science will affect their future on a personal, national and global level.


Through curriculum enhancements such as our educational visits, practical workshops and our established links with local high schools we hope to challenge and inspire pupils with Science and further develop each child’s science capital. Pupils ‘work scientifically’ regularly and in a variety of contexts throughout school, allowing for children develop an independence as scientists by using and applying the five types of enquiry:

  • Grouping and classifying
  • Simple comparative tests
  • Secondary research
  • Spotting patterns
  • Observations over time


In EYFS science is taught through investigation, exploration and observation as an integral part of the Early Learning Goal ‘The Natural World’, whilst in Years 1 to 6, it is taught through discrete teaching to ensure children are fully aware of the subject they are learning and recognise the importance of it. In Key Stage 1, science is taught weekly to support the continual revisiting and retrieval of prior learning for our younger learners, whereas in Key Stage 2, science is taught through blocked units with a focus science week each half term. We utilise the outdoor environment at every appropriate opportunity so that pupils can connect their science learning with the world around them.


Learning focussed on key scientists is embedded in each science unit to develop each children’s understanding of STEM careers and promote aspiration within our curriculum.

Primary Science Quality Mark Gilt Award

Greenside Primary School were extremely proud to be awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) 'Gilt Award' in September 2023, an accreditation which recognises and celebrates our commitment to excellence in science teaching and learning. PSQM is the only national accreditation scheme to develop and celebrate the quality of science teaching and learning in primary schools and schools can only achieve the award through a year-long process of initial audit, followed by action and evidence-based reflection.


By achieving the 'PSQM Gilt Award' Greenside has demonstrated an established and ongoing commitment and expertise in science subject leadership, teaching and learning.


“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.”  

Edwin Powell Hubble 1889-1953
